
Meditation Mentoring Program (MMP)

Chris is currently working individually with students through his Meditation Mentoring Program, which now includes a monthly group meditation practice period and discussion.

This group is intentionally kept small, and requires an application. Currently there are a few spaces available.

Meditation Mentoring Program


Meditation class and dharma discussion. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome.

Feb 8, Saturday. 9:30-11:00 am

Info and registration (space limited)

Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, Wenham, MA.

Meditation class and dharma discussion. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome.

Feb 19, Wednesday. 7:00-8:30 pm

Info and registration (space limited)

Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, Wenham, MA.

Commuter Retreat & Open Practice Weekend
Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation Wenham

February 21-23, 2025

Friday February 21: 6:30pm–8:30pm
Saturday February 22: 8:00am–7:30pm
Sunday February 23: 8:00am–5:15pm

Info and Registration at The Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation Wenham

Description of Full Commuter Retreat Option:
CfMIM’s Commuter Retreat offers students a unique opportunity to deepen their practice by participating in a retreat format without leaving home. From February 21–23, students in the Commuter Retreat will experience the supportive structure of retreat, including instruction in sitting and walking meditation, Dhamma Talks, silence, Q&A periods, like-minded community, and a carefully maintained retreat schedule. Rather than traveling to—and lodging at—a remote center, students will go home (or to nearby lodging) each night and return to CfMIM in the morning. In this way, students have the opportunity to practice integrating an immersive meditation experience into the rest of their lives.

Open Practice Weekend Component:
From February 21, Friday evening through February 23, Sunday evening, practitioners can elect to participate in all days, one day, or even part of a day. The premise of Open Practice is that the center remains open throughout the weekend, everyone is invited to practice when they can, and teachers will be on-site to facilitate transitions from sitting to walking meditation, provide instructions, and give dhamma reflections. All sessions throughout the weekend are held in silence.

The Freedom of Not-knowing: Vipassana Meditation Retreat (1/2-day)
Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation Wenham

Info & Registration: Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation Wenham

Seeking answers that would help him live the life he aspired to, but could not foresee, the young Buddha-to-be tried many spiritual practices popular at his time. The meditation style that evolved, vipassanā, is said to lead to insight that frees, frees us from afflictions of mind and all forms of stress. Vipassanā is not particularly difficult to learn, though the type of learning is counter-intuitive at first and invites us to question many of our ideas and beliefs. It is in the absence of our usual conditioning that the insight of vipassanā meditation begins to reveal itself to us naturally, seemingly without much effort. Because of the unique way that insight evolves outside of our familiar habit patterns we are encouraged to suspend many of the concepts that we might have about stress and happiness; in this regard we are better off taking the position of not-knowing, thus allowing the mind to relax into the way things are opposed to how we think they should be. The gradual development of this skill is the path to true freedom.

This half-day retreat is open to beginners and experienced meditators and will be held mostly in silence with teacher-led discussion and instructional talks. Light snacks, tea and coffee will be provided. Pre-registration is suggested.

Being Free: Winter Residential Retreat
March 20–24, 2025 (4 nights)

For Registration and Info click here

The Centers for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation in Wenham, Massachusetts, and Redding, Connecticut, will team up to hold a five-day (four-night) insight meditation retreat at the Wisdom House retreat center, which is situated on 54 acres of meadows, woods, and brooks in the beautiful northwest hills of Connecticut.

Retreat offers the opportunity to reduce distractions that hinder the mind, in turn allowing the mind to relax, becoming both attentive and aware. As practitioners have done for thousands of years, while on retreat we reside within the supportive structure of sangha (community) and take as a primary refuge the Dhamma, both its teachings and meditation practices.

Being Free: Winter Residential Retreat will include instructions in the five recollections* as a foundation for insight meditation (vipassana). Dhamma talks and teacher reflections will explore stories of early practitioners from Buddhist literature who found freedom by retreating to quiet places and turning their focus inwards. From their stories and insights we will see both evidence of profound freedom alongside practical suggestions for our own practice.

This retreat is held in noble silence and all participants are expected to remain silent throughout the retreat, with exceptions made for twice daily question and answer periods. Retreat also includes a commitment to the Five Precepts of non-harm.

* The five recollections, sometimes referred to as the “daily reflections”, help orient the mind towards samvega, an expression of aspiration that seeks freedom.

Meditation class and dharma discussion. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome.

March 26, Wednesday. 7:00-8:30 pm

Info and registration (space limited)

Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, Wenham, MA.

Drop-in Meditation Class, Dharma Talk and Discussion
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center (CIMC)

Cambridge Insight Meditation Center (CIMC)


Becoming Skillful in Practice & Daily Life
Two-days: April 5–6
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center (CIMC)

For registration and info click here

Program Description
An underlaying premise of the Dharma is that we can become highly skillful, both in terms of our meditation practice and how we live our life. With an open mind this premise confronts us and challenges us, pointing us towards our highest potential as human beings–we can learn how to turn away from actions in body, speech, and mind which increase distress, confusion, and self–doubt, and we can learn to become more adept at wise actions that lead to confidence, freedom, and overall wellbeing.

In this retreat participants will be supported by teacher guidance, a community of peers, and continuity of practice over two days. Meditation instructions, dharma reflections, and discussion periods will explore how insight arises through vipassana meditation and culminates in the various activities that comprise our daily lives. Students will be supported in understanding universal aspects of the dharma that are “subtle and hard to see” and encouraged to contemplate how the dharma informs their own personal life circumstances. 

Retreat will be held in silence with periods of mindful communication.  


Meditation class and dharma discussion. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome.

April 16, Wednesday. 7:00-8:30 pm

Info and registration (space limited)

Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, Wenham, MA.

Meditation class and dharma discussion. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome.

April 19, Saturday. 9:30-11:00 pm

Info and registration (space limited)

Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, Wenham, MA.

Meditation class and dharma discussion. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome.

April 26, Saturday. 9:30-11:00 pm

Info and registration (space limited)

Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, Wenham, MA.

Meditation class and dharma discussion. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome.

May 17, Saturday. 9:30-11:00 pm

Info and registration (space limited)

Center for Mindfulness & Insight Meditation, Wenham, MA.

