In-depth exploration and guidance in your meditation practice with Buddhist teacher and chaplain, Chris Crotty, M.A., alongside the support and friendship of a peer group.
…Are you able to appreciate the attributes of the Dhamma from personal experience? Do you know its attributes for yourself? Do you know that it has been well explained by the Buddha? That it can be empirically experienced? That it gives immediate results? That it invites one to come and see, to realize the truth for oneself? – Mahasi Sayadaw
Each month students in the Meditation Mentoring Program (MMP) meet one-to-one with Chris and participate in a period of group meditation and reflection. One-to-one sessions provide personalized guidance and instruction in meditation practice as well as the integration of meditative insight into daily life. The group practice period offers consistent structure, an opportunity to learn from other meditators, while providing a meaningful experience of sangha, like-minded community. The spirit of the MMP loosely reflects the monastic notion of “alone and together,” emphasizing how the development of the spiritual life, supported by meditation, is unique and personal, while at the same time supported by others with shared aspirations.
For interested practitioners, Meditation Mentoring may include guidance in the integration of practice and study.
NOTE: If you are seeking more one-to-one time please consider Buddhist Pastoral Care & Counsel.
Meditation Mentoring Program $210 USD/Month
Meditation Mentoring $235 USD/Month